I play games here. The theme, "Let's Get On With It!", originated from my ancient Dailymotion account: ". . . because I'm the only one playing. However, since we're all...
Read moreI play games here. The theme, "Let's Get On With It!", originated from my ancient Dailymotion account: ". . . because I'm the only one playing. However, since we're all watching me play, it seems perfectly natural to SHUT UP AND GET ON WITH IT." Effective results have yet to be seen.
I'm a boisterous, profane man. I'm also an equal-opportunity disparager. I enjoy sarcasm and gallows humor. I understand you might not. I don't wish you ill; time is too precious for you to waste it watching someone you don't enjoy. Take care and good luck.
I don't record/broadcast for financial reasons. My passion isn't business. If I wanted to make money, then I would have made different life choices. I appreciate your business offers, but I'm not looking to provide paid reviews of games. Don't waste your time.
- Updated December 14, 2016
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